Tuesday, 17 April 2018

How Effective Is Methadone As A Painkiller?

Methadone is the synthetic opioid which is commonly used for confronting pain and other treatment of opioid addiction. It is also prescribed by licensed family physicians for analgesia. It is a suitable option for the management of cancer pain and other chronic pain, including neuropathic pain states. It is also an appropriate replacement for opioids when side effects have limited further dosage escalation. The response to methadone varies with each patient and the transition to methadone should be slow with frequent monitoring. There is medication altering the absorption or metabolism of methadone and the concurrent use require dosage adjustment.

Factsheet about Methadone

Methadone has significant analgesic qualities that are dissimilar to morphine. This synthetic opioid caused substantial side effects at the preliminary stage, leading to the non-use of drug clinically for several years. Gradually during the 1950s, methadone emerged as a treatment for opioid addiction and has remained the primary therapy for more than 40 years. Today, methadone is used to treat cancer pain and other chronic pains too. It is listed on Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act. The medicine should be taken only after consultation with a physician or doctor.

Methadone a painkiller

Is methadone used to treat pain?

Methadone is working as the drug that is reducing the withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs. This drug is prescribed by doctors as a pain reliever and also as part of the drug addiction detoxification & maintenance program. The opioid is perceived as an attractive alternative to oxycodone as it is less euphoria-inducing and it is somewhat less prone to abuse.

Here are some key points about Methadone –

  • Methadone is the opiate drug that is used in treating other opioid addiction and chronic pain.
  • The drug has multiple pharmacological modes of action, but it predominantly works via antagonism.
  • It is problematic to convert to and from methadone and other long-term opioids and there is no such universal accepted equianalgesic dosing regimen in action.
  • It is also problematic for perioperative management of patients taking long-term methadone.

Side-effects of Methadone Use

Individuals suffering from asthma or breathing problems should not use methadone. Also, if you are having a blockage in stomach or intestines should avoid the use of the drug. The drug use slows or stops the breathing, and can become habit-forming. The abusive use of the drug can lead to severe damages and even death in some cases. Women taking medicine during pregnancy also cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in the newborn baby. The methadone use also causes life-threatening heart rhythm disorder.

Methadone a painkiller

Methadone isa painkiller and it is prescribed to individuals for common pain management. It is a highly lipophilic molecule that is suitable for a variety of administration routes. It is approved for oral and intramuscular use including the use of rectally, intravenously, subcutaneously, epidurally, and intrathecally. Always, make sure that you consult your physician before the pre-use of the drug.